Friday, 15 November 2013

(Journal #2) - Coping

Before moving to Culver Creek, Miles was a nobody, he had no friends and all he had were his biographies. One he moved to Culver Creek, his life was flipped onto its head. At Culver Creek, Miles lived a new happy, life with great friends at a great school. Of his friends, he was particularly fond of Alaska, who taught him all about the Labyrinth of suffering and who he shared many of his greatest memories with. Once she had died, Miles seemed lost he was a jumble of emotions and he felt that Alaska was being selfish for just leaving him hanging like that, he thought that she had stripped him of his “great perhaps”. To help with the pain, Miles and the Colonel go out searching for the answer as to what happened. They search and search until they find the answer, and once they find it, they are able to forgive her. This death that Miles endured was relatable to me as I’ve lost one of my greatest friends I’ve had, I never appreciated what she actually did for me and how she influenced me to be the person I am today until she was truly gone. After Alaska’s death, Miles realized that she was not his Great Perhaps but that she was the one who catapulted him into it, just as my friend had for me.

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